
Bruce Lee: Remembering a Kung Fu Legend

“The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.” These words were once spoken by Bruce Lee…

His life – and tragically brief filmography – has inspired untold numbers of aspiring Western kids to take the unlikely path of training in the martial arts. Not to mention that his rise to stardom in the 1960s and early 1970s singlehandedly helped bring kung fu films into the mainstream. 

Lee, before the age of 18.


Lee is best known as a martial artist, but he also studied drama and philosophy while a student at the University of Washington. His own books on martial arts and fighting philosophy are known for their philosophical assertions, both inside and outside of martial arts circles. He believed that any knowledge ultimately led to self-knowledge, and said that his chosen method of self-expression was martial arts. His influences include Taoism, Jiddu Krishnamurti, and Buddhism.


Lee also wrote poetry that reflected his emotion and a stage in his life collectively. Many forms of art remain concordant with the artist creating them. Lee’s principal of self-expression was applied to his poetry as well. His daughter Shannon Lee said “He did write poetry, he was really the consummate artist”. His poetic works originally handwritten on paper, later on edited and published

Filming Highlights

Bruce would often be challenged by the extras, but he was never actually defeated, apart from the time when he was 14. Bruce didn’t drink, so the characters he played didn’t drink either. He always showed himself like he was in real life. “The Way of the Dragon” is the best example of Bruce in real life. In the only bedroom scene he ever filmed in “The Big Boss”, a prostitute gets him drunk and takes him back to her place, only to watch him then fall asleep

Good Bye

On the 10th May 1973, the trouble for Bruce Lee had begun. While dubbing the sound effects for “Enter the Dragon”, he passed out for a whole half an hour. He went to the hospital, and was prescribed the drug Manatol. It was used to reduce an apparent brain swelling.

On July 20th 1973, Bruce had arranged to meet Raymond Chow along with actress Betty Ting Pei who would star in “Game of Death”. He stopped off at Betty`s house and told her that he had a headache. She gave him an Aquagesic (a painkiller that she regularly used ). Bruce laid down in her bed and went to sleep. During his sleep, the brain swelling returned and triggered an allergy to the painkiller called a cerebral edema.

Conspiracy theories abound when an icon dies at such a young age. Bruce Lee too wasn’t an exceptional to this.

He once said “Don’t pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one”. His death was such..

To this day many Bruce Lee Imitators have tried to be just like him, but have all just faded. Maybe a star like Jackie Chan can rise to the limits, but even Jackie Chan doesn`t claim to be the new Bruce Lee. There will never be a NEW Bruce Lee.

This is Bruce Lee…… The Legend !!!

Bruce Lee's grave in  Seattle at the Lake View Cemetery.
Bruce Lee’s grave in Seattle at the Lake View Cemetery.

There are ALWAYS fresh flowers on his grave each day. Some day, I too will place mine there and pay my respect to my  favourite person .. Before that a tribute to him on his birthday ( 27 November 1940) …

What do you think about this?